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August 01 1902/2002

Hallstead - The heavy rains in this vicinity and near the head waters of the Susquehanna in central New York caused a rise in the Susquehanna river last week, of about 14 ft. About 100 acres of low land was under water. Harmony creek had full banks and the water of the river overflowing backed up in the neighborhood of the DuBois farms for a half mile, covering the flats about a third of a mile wide, giving the region the appearance of an inland lake, with great trees growing in its midst; a beautiful sight, but a costly picture, the water covering the fence posts and from three to six or eight feet in depth. Under the water for days were fields and meadows, with grass, hay, corn and potatoes wholly out of sight.

Montrose - Today the "Fats" and the "Leans" will play a game the line-up being of the following distinguished citizens: The Fats: N. J. North, R. B. Stroud, B. B. Buffum, Frank Lusk, W. B. Jeffers, Geo. C. Burns, F. W. Strange, W. C. Cox, Dr. Gennung, W. N. Barnes, W. S. Mulford, Norman Stewart, J. P. Taylor, J. R. Raynsford. The Leans: Harry Halpin, H. A. Lyons, E. E. Tower, H. F. Brewster, F. D. Morris, G. K. Stoddard, Peter Dale, Searle McCollum. Willet Munger, Barry Searle, D. V. Gardiner, A. L. Titman, Daniel Searle. The Fats defeated the Leans 12-8. The attendance at the ball game was undoubtedly the largest that ever was present when admission was charged, there being bout 600 tickets sold. The amount taken in at the gate was $77.10.

Oakley (Harford Twp.) - Robbers and sneak thieves are becoming entirely too previous all through this country. Witness the theft of Mr. Underwood's horse a few weeks ago, followed by the attempt at robbery at Welcome Wilmarth's and Mr. Ingraham's, Wed. the 23d. The thieves entered by a window and then with excellent forethought propped open the outside door and a bedroom door; one of the inmates of the house was aroused by some one prowling around, but they escaped before they could be identified.

Lake Carey (Wyoming Co.) - Four naptha launches now ply the waters of Lake Carey. One is owned by Elisha Williamson, a Pittston grocer; another by Landlord Coolbaugh; another by Mr. Fuerstine, of Wilkes-Barre, and the fourth by Dr. Warner, of Wilkes-Barre. There are many sailing crafts and when all are on the lake it forms a pretty sight.

Springville - There is said to be three cases of small-pox over at Harris Phelps' near West Nicholson, in the southern part of the township. Two parties from here were over there on Sunday, before the disease had developed far enough to be known, and now the proper authorities are taking steps to have them quarantined. AND Nearly every night in some part of our little village the inhabitants are awakened by the loud talk and oaths of some one, the little the worse for the demon, liquor. What is our town coming to? What of our boys and men? What will the end be? AND Fred Risley is the possessor of a new buggy with rubber tires. We don't think Fred will have to take a back seat and when the girls ask you to take them, there can be no excuse.

Susquehanna - Charles E. Schaber, the unfortunate stranger who last week fell from a train at the Cascade, and afterward underwent an operation for dislocated vertebrae, is alive and may recover.

Franklin Forks - The oil work at Salt Springs is a thing of the past, much to the regret of our townsmen. The last load of the machinery was moved Wednesday of this week. AND The schoolhouse in this place is to be repaired and made larger, as it will not accommodate all the pupils who are to attend.

Lindaville (Brooklyn Twp.) - John Bolles of this place, died Friday morning, July 25, 1902, in his 82nd year. His sickness, while gradual, was severe, and during the last few weeks his strength failed and he passed away quietly. He is survived by a widow and three children - Jas. W. of Harford, Chas. F. of this place, and Mrs. F. H. Bunnell of Dimock and two sisters, Mrs. Harriet Baker and Mrs.Chas.Tingley. He was a much-respected citizen and one who will be missed by friends and neighbors as well as his own household. The funeral was largely attended on Sunday afternoon from the Brooklyn Presbyterian Church, Rev. R. L. Roberts officiating. The casket was placed in the hearse by the bearers - E. P. Mack, T. J. Lean, M. B. Smith and D. C. Westbrook.

Elk Lake - Mrs. Eliza Cornell, of New Milford, is visiting friends in this place. Although she is past 82 years she is hale and hearty and her mind is clear to tell of things past years ago when she first became acquainted with this place.

Silvara (Bradford Co.) - Quite a number made a raid on huckleberry mountain last week. They obtained a nice lot of berries and Burt Warner and T. Hall captured a live rattlesnake which Mr. Hall has in his possession.

West Nicholson - The 9th annual reunion of the Squires families will be held in the Horton Squires grave [should read in the Horton Squires grove] near West Nicholson, August 8th. P. E. Squires, Sec.

Herrick Centre - Earl Howe caught a base ball on the end of his nose Saturday. He is under the care of Dr. Craft who says he will be all right in a short time. At present he is not at home to any callers.

News Brief - Sylvia Langdon Dunham celebrated the 102nd anniversary of her birth Sunday at her home near Bristol, Conn. She is in excellent health and received many callers and neighbors on that memorable day. Mrs. Dunham is about the house every day, reads the newspapers, and attends to her own work. She is preserved in a remarkable degree. Mrs. Dunham was born in the house where she now lives, the old Dunham tavern, on the New Haven and Harford stage road. In it she was married in 1824, and the old taproom is still preserved. She has lived to see old Northampton Canal built past her home; later the canal railroad, then a trolley line, on which she was the first passenger. Mrs. Dunham's father was a soldier in the Revolution and she saw General Lafayette. Mrs. Dunham said on her anniversary that she saw no reason why she was not good for ten years longer. Her son, Rev. Samuel Dunham, of Binghamton, preached in the Presbyterian church at Montrose a few weeks ago.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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