Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
April 9 1897/1997
Springville – Barnes & Stevens are clipping lots of horses at Strickland's blacksmith shop. They have power clippers and can clip them quick and sleek.
Fair Hill [Jessup] – Last Thursday evening as Blame Sterling and a couple of young ladies were going to spend the evening at P.L. Shelp's they came near meeting with what might have been a serious accident. They met a man who was intoxicated and who was driving his horses at a very high rate of speed; they gave him all of the road and then he ran into their wagon and damaged it quite badly.
New Milford – We regret to learn that we are about to lose one of our brightest and most enterprising young men, Mr. J.H. Wilcox, Jr., who, we are informed, has accepted a very responsible position in a large photographing establishment at Conklin Centre. He will probably offer for sale his business here, including his valuable watchdog "Wolfe" which was stolen a few days ago while Mr. W. was out. The dog is harmless.
Royal – Walker Felts, Robert Hunter and I. Doud, were among the first to plant onions in our town this season.
Lathrop – Interesting remarks by P.S. Bronson at the teachers institute, in the change of days of tallow candles to those of electric lights; the days when he commenced going to school 60 years ago, in cabins built many miles apart, slabs for seats, feet dangling in the air, walls black and smoky, snow sifting through the roof; now neat and tidy school houses adorn every neighborhood, a palace in every village. Now every school has a beautiful illustrated free library. A half-century ago the textbooks were very scarce and uninteresting. The schoolteacher has the credit of the great reform, but we must not stop and rest on the glories of the past but move on to a higher and more glorious destiny. Let teachers and pupils move from the narrow ruts of selfishness and gain to a higher and mighty plan of thought and consistency.
Brooklyn – Last week our supervisors sold the roads of the township in one mile sections to the lowest bidders, to be kept in repair for the term of five years, at an annual saving to township of about $170, from the previous sales since the present road laws look effect 25 years ago. There was no lack of bidders. Many of our farmers seemed anxious to have something on their hands that had in it the promise of a little money, even if the pay was small.
Hallstead – Artist Teed's studio on Mt. Manotonome is approaching completion. From this point it is expected that the many charming views of the Susquehanna River will be transferred to canvas this coming summer.
North Jackson – The greatest [tow of maple sap since 1857 [a period of 40 years] gladdened maple sugar and syrup makers throughout the township last week.
Birchardville – Some of the friends of Moses Molt made a bee and moved his family and household goods to his farm, about two miles, saving him considerable expense and hard work, for which Moses and his wife are very thankful.
Susquehanna – The Young Men's Library Association is about to receive $50 worth of new books. About S100 worth were recently added. The Association now has 4,000 volumes and is in a flourishing condition. AND Twenty young ladies have organized an athletic club. They will have headquarters with the Susquehanna Athletic Association. Costumes are now being made.
Montrose – Montrose Hose Co. No. 2's annual event for '97 will be a public christening party, in honor of the arrival of their beautiful new four wheel hose carriage, now nearly completed and ready for shipment from Muskegon, Michigan. There is in store a happy, jolly evening for all the firemen's friends.
Susquehanna County – The anticigarette league formed in the public schools of Wellsboro, has successfully ruined the market in that place for these destroyers of health, mind and manhood. AND The dining cars on the trains of the old reliable Erie now serve breakfast, luncheon and supper on the cafe plan, the cost depending upon what you order. AND With all this talk of laws to prevent women wearing high hats in the theatre not one legislator has so far been heard from who wants to pass a law limiting the size of hats to be worn in churches. AND April brings its memorable anniversaries for the American Union. On the 9th of the month, 1866, Lee surrendered at Appomattox. Fort Sumter was attacked on the 12th of April 1861, surrendered on the 18th, and Maj. Anderson marched out with garrison on the 14th. Lincoln was shot on the evening of April 14th, 1865, and died on the morning of the 15th. The first blood of the revolution was shed at Lexington on the 19th of April 1775, and the first blood of the rebellion at Baltimore on the 19th of April 1861.
Compiled By: Betty Smith