Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 5 1895/1995
Herrick Centre – Last Thursday, as the D&H train No. 42 was coming down this side of Burnwood, it struck a man sitting beside the track. He was brought to the Herrick Centre depot and was recognized as Amos Pickering of Gibson. He was struck on the head by the beam of the pilot and hurled from the track. He was rendered unconscious and medical aid was summoned. He was taken charge of by Poormaster Bowell and taken to Emergency Hospital, Carbondale, where he is in an unconscious condition and it is thought he suffered concussion of the brain, and possibly a fractured skull.
Jackson – You should not kick about the times. A hundred years hence they will be referred to as good old days.
Springville – Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Tutle’s little son, Rexford, came near being drowned last week while standing on the bridge watching the water rush along underneath. He shoved a board down into the water and the force of the current on the board someway threw him into the water. He would probably have drowned had he not been rescued by Ben Scott.
Dimock – G.W. Strupler visited his mother in Dimock, Sunday. He says the snow was 3 feet deep in their sugar camp and the boys were traveling on snow shoes, making syrup for their Montrose customers.
Susquehanna – The new twin screw steamer, now win course of construction by F.H. Pride, will be launched on the Susquehanna, at Lanesboro, about May 30th. It will have double engines – about 30 horse power – and will carry comfortably about 500 people.
Montrose – The big sleeve craze continues to hold the field among women, and the tendency is toward greater amplitude.
Court News – Toll bridge between Oakland and Susquehanna Depot was recommended as a county bridge and approved by the Court. Consideration for same, $15,000. AND The bridge over Trowbridge Creek, in Great Bend Township, was recommended as county bridge.
Compiled By: Betty Smith