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April 29 1892/1992

Harford - An electric meeting was held in town Wednesday evening. A gentleman from New York held forth on the advantage and after estimating probable cost, concluded that $20,000 would cover it. AND Prof. W.L. Thatcher, of Harford, was in town Thursday. The Professor remarked while here that the project to build an electric railroad from Harford village to Kingsley was still a booming and that a company had offered to build the road for $20,000.

Lanesboro - Our popular butcher, Mr. Kotz, is preparing to build a very nice residence this summer.

Silver Lake - Col. James West has sent for a new kind of potato this spring, which is claimed to be superior to any planted in this place. To Mr. West belongs the credit of introducing very fine varieties of this valuable root already.

Clifford - Our trout fishermen have generally had a healthy ride, a wet tramp along the creek and a light load home.

West Lenox - A man was through this place last Thursday selling meat. We would like to have just such a man to buy meat of every week.

Great Bend - Milo Guernsey, keeper of the toll bridge, who many years ago lost his left arm in a railroad service, is yet a worker of no mean order. Not long since he cut down one of the largest trees on the riverbank, and without help, sawed it into proper lengths, and split into stove wood.

Susquehanna - Erie passenger brakemen are to wear black silk caps this summer in place of the troublesome white ones.

Lynn - Mrs. Minnie Dilley has moved into the rooms over A.B. Sheldon's vacant store, and is ready to do dressmaking. She uses the popular McDowell drafting machine for cutting.

Montrose – F.A. Pierce, the new undertaker and furniture dealer, has just received an elegant modern hearse for use at funerals. Mr. Pierce is also a regular graduate of an embalming school, and all work in his line will be given prompt and careful attention.

New Milford- The graduating exercises of the New Milford Graded School will be held at the Opera House, on Wednesday evening. The following are the members of the class: Mattie Hand, Lotti Coleman, Flora Barrett, Mattie Tucker, and Lizzie Casey.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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