Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 28 1905/2005
Bridgewater Twp. - Lathan Mack, who lives on the D.T. Brewster farm, it now develops, is the man who holds the lucky number in the "Right of Way" cigar contest. Mr. Mack had not given the matter any particular attention but happening to run over his tickets he discovered that ticket B 1333 was in his possession. Mr. Mack had offered these same tickets to the dealer of whom he had purchased the cigars, T.F. Kelly, for $1, but Mr. Kelly didn't want to buy. We understand the cigar manufacturers have offered him the automobile valued at $2,500 or $2,000 cash. Mr. Mack is a deserving man and we hope he will secure enough out of it to buy a good farm and live long and prosper. He went to Scranton yesterday to see about the matter.
Susquehanna - During a row in front of a lunch wagon on Front Street, yesterday morning, Thomas Moran was shot in the thigh by a man named Boynt, proprietor of the wagon. The wounded man was taken to the office of Dr. J.J. Boyle and the bullet probed for, but could not be extracted. No blame is attached to Mr. Boynt for the shooting, as Moran stated he was at the time endeavoring to protect Mr. Boynt from some intoxicated young men and the discharge of the revolver was accidental. AND The officers of the Susquehanna's Delaware Division have been removed from Port Jervis to Susquehanna, which means an addition to Susquehanna of about twenty-five families.
Welsh Hill, Clifford Twp. - John G. Jenkins, a native of this place, when a young man, went to Colorado as a book canvasser, going in the interest of J. W. Lyon, who was in the subscription book business. He succeeded so well that he was sent to South Australia in the same business. While there he went into the book publishing business and made a great success. Afterwards he got into politics and became a member of Parliament and later Premier; and now he has resigned that and been made Agent General for south Australia, in London. He is now on a trip to Canada and Washington on official business and will also call on friends in Montrose and Clifford. He is a cousin of T.J. and F.A. Davies and a brother of the late Sheriff Z.D. Jenkins. He is the first native American to hold such stations of importance and honor in that country.
South Montrose - The new station is nearing completion. This will be the most attractive station on the Montrose branch of Lackawanna Valley R.R. between Montrose and Tunkhannock.
Jackson - Perhaps no other teacher in the United States has so long a record for teaching as has Mrs. Clarissa T. Tracy, who has been a teacher 61 years. Mrs. Tracy was born in Jackson nearly 87 years ago and is a sister of Emerson and Evander Tucker, of the township. For 45 years she has been an instructor in Ripon College, Wis. AND Rural free delivery, route No. 3, starts from Susquehanna, May 1. It will serve the people in the vicinity of Lanesboro, Comfort's Pond, Thompson, East Jackson and North Jackson.
Elkdale, Clifford Twp. - S.E. Lowry is disposing of his stock, poultry, etc., and will move to Forest City in the near future. It is with the keenest regret that we see them depart from our midst, as Mr. and Mrs. Lowry as the best of neighbors and active members of the church and choir in this place.
Silver Lake - M.J. Hayes and three sons are kept busy in the Rose saw mill, having a large number of logs to convert into lumber. AND Charles Eckhech and family have moved to Binghamton and M. McEnery is to take his place at Sheldon Croft.
Alford, Brooklyn Twp. - The water tank at this station has been raised and repaired so that the larger class of engines that the D.L.&W. is installing can take water here.
Flynn, Middletown Twp. - Our graded school is again agitated here and we think the last act passed, granting people the privilege of sending their children to a high school and the fee to be paid by the township, will help our cause.
Hopbottom - A broken rail caused a wreck just below this place Sunday evening. Four coal cars were overturned, obstructing both east and west bound tracks, so that trains were delayed for several hours. AND Harvey Carpenter, of Lathrop, is driving a fine, new rubber-tire run-about, purchased of Elbert Tiffany. It makes a fine appearance and Harvey is justly proud of it.
Rush - Henry Zacharias is sawing wood for B.L. Pickett, with his steamer.
Montrose - One of the saddest accidents that has occurred in this vicinity for a number of years took place Saturday afternoon. By it Cassius Tallon [step-son of George E. Woodruff, Cliff Street] met his death at the hands of a friend, Lawrence Arnold, a boy about the same age. The boys, in company with Clarence Riker, had been spending the afternoon along the Wyalusing creek, just below town, and had been amusing themselves with a 22-calibre rifle, the kind commonly used by boys, shooting at sparrows, trees and any object that attracted their attention. It was while crossing the Dr. Gardner farm on their return home, young Arnold carrying the rifle, that the tragedy happened. They were passing near Scott's woods, loitering along after the carefree manner of boys. Lawrence Arnold was giving the small firearm a casual inspection when his finger in some way came in contact with the trigger and the rifle was discharged. The bullet barely grazed the left arm of the boy standing in the line of the leaden missile's flight and penetrating his side, pierced him to the heart. He wavered unsteadily and the Riker boy, who was standing near him, attempted to keep him from falling, while young Arnold dropped the rifle and ran to his companion's assistance. "I'm dead," came the agonizing words from the stricken lad's lips, and they had hardly passed his lips when he was dead in truth. [The story was related by Arnold and Riker who, overcome by grief and panic-stricken, fled from the scene of the accident. Edward White found the Tallon boy Saturday evening and notified the authorities. On Sunday afternoon Lawrence Arnold finally told his mother about the accident and he and Clarence Riker then told their story to the authorities. The shooting death was ruled an accident]. Further details may be found in the Independent Republican, April 28, 1905.
News Briefs: Forty-eight years ago snow fell to the depth of over three feet in Susquehanna County, on April 20th and 21st, 1857. AND Gov. Pennypacker has approved the bill which provides for a system of humane education, which includes kind treatment of birds and animals. The instruction along this line is to be given to all pupils up to and including the 4th grade. The same law prohibits experimenting with any living creature in the schoolroom.
Compiled By: Betty Smith