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April 20 1900/2000

Susquehanna - A number from this place attended the services at St. Rose's Convent, in Carbondale, last week, at which five novices received the black veil and made their religious profession and five candidates received the holy habit of religion and the white veil. Among the sisters who took the black veil and renounced the world forever were: Miss Cecilia O'Connell of Oakland, in religion, Sister Mary Marlina; Miss Mary Kinsley, Oakland, in religion Sister Mary Servula; Miss Elizabeth Congdon, Susquehanna, in religion Sister Mary Roberta; Miss Anna Griffin, Susquehanna, in religion, Sister Mary Genorosa. The Very Rt. Rev. Bishop M. J. Hoban, D.D., of Scranton, officiated at the ceremony.

Heart Lake - Harvey Griffing has purchased a merry-go-round and will add it to the attractions at Heart Lake as a pleasure resort.

Oakland - On the Oakland side of the river on Monday morning, the large extension steamer "Erminie," which for several years has plied the waters of the Susquehanna between Lanesboro and the Forest House, took fire and was entirely consumed. The fire was caused by flames from the engine communicating to a bottle of kerosene oil. The boat, which was capable of carrying 700 people, cost over $4,000. It was insured for $1,000. Fred H. Pride, the owner and captain, may build one for this season. Mr. Pride has a smaller boat, the "Idlewild."

Franklin Forks - A meeting of our citizens was held at Alliance Hall on Saturday night, to talk up a telephone.

Lindaville - The peepers commenced their open air concerts here on the 17th inst.

Thomson - The Erie Company have commenced building a culvert under the trestle near here, as they expect to fill it with dirt this season.

Welsh Hill - The milk route through here for the Crystal Springs Cheese Co,. of Tirzah, is now established; David Jones, of Elk Mountain, hauling the milk.

Montrose - Milkman Asa P. Scott, of the Park Street Dairy, has had his milk wagon treated to a handsome new spring dress of paint, blended in harmonious colorings, which gives the vehicle a very festive appearance. Messrs Warner and Cook were the artists. AND - James Devine and wife have moved to Lestershire, where he has a situation in the big shoe factory where 1700 hands are employed.

Hallstead/Great Bend - A market day by the ladies aid society of the Presbyterian church was held Saturday afternoon in Mrs. Rose Dayton's store.

Uniondale - Miss Virgie Cargill will commence a six weeks' select school about the middle of May.

Elk Lake - H. W. Lyon has a bed-spread that was made from yarn spun by his mother in 1838. It is a fine specimen of weaving.

Friendsville - The creamery is running nicely under the management of Wm. Baldwin.

Harford - Twenty-five pupils of the Soldiers Orphan School were last week transferred to the Industrial School at Scotland, this state.

Auburn - The alleged small pox epidemic, which stirred up considerable sensation, is pronounced by physicians as to be nothing but Cuban chicken pox. And that diagnosis is probably correct, so far as the disease is concerned, though whether it is of Cuban origin is uncertain and immaterial. The disease has had only slight resemblance to the genuine small pox. The eruptions are profuse and cause festering sores which exude considerable matter, giving the patient a frightful look, but the accompanying sickness is trifling, compared to small pox.

Forest City - Invitations have been issued by Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Boucher for the marriage of their daughter, Rena May, to Albert E. Nichol, of Carbondale. The happy event will take place at the home of the bride, on Hudson street, on Thursday evening, April 26th.

Rush - Mrs. Lena Kunkle is busy running her Eureka carpet loom these spring days. AND - The new gasoline engine put in by Clifton Hickok is a novelty in these parts. Gasoline exploded by electricity is the motive power. It requires no fire and is started at a few minutes notice, requiring no further attention.

Lakeside - Our quiet little hamlet was invaded by a band of gypsies who pitched their tents in our midst last Saturday. The future prospects of our people are now being told.

Springville - The new Kilt's block is fast nearing completion and will be an ornament to the town. It will be occupied by Pierce Comstock, barber; Wilson & Co., groceries; a meat market; ice cream parlor, and the Citizens' Band will have a place for their rehearsals. AND - The hotel at this place is to change hands Monday, April 30th. Mr. Rodney, of Starkville, is expected to have charge. Mr. Flummerfelt, who retires, has made friends here and few enemies. He has refused to sell to some parties who were in the habit of getting intoxicated every time they came in town. If we must have a licensed hotel we would much prefer to keep Mr. Flummerfelt than to take the chance of a new man.

Fairdale School Report - Those who rec'd an average of 90% and above: Carrie Shelp, Pearl Fowler, Anna Kinkuski, Irene Eva, Mattie Hewitt, John Boyd, Lee Robinson, Herman Olmstead, Wilber Hewitt and John Kervin. Those who received 100% in spelling: Carrie Shelp, Pearl Fowler, Anna Kinkuski, Irene Eva, Mattie Hewitt, John Boyd and Lee Robinson.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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