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April 18 1924/2024

Hallstead – John VanDorm, 14 years old, had his right foot severed at the ankle, on Sunday evening, as he attempted to jump a moving freight train at Hallstead. The accident occurred near the local station. Physicians gave him treatment and he was taken to the Moses Taylor hospital, Scranton. The foot was badly mangled and it was necessary to amputate, some distance above the knee. The boys father died some years ago His mother, a nurse, was in Oneonta.

Montrose – E. J. Dorey and Charles E. Roberts, heads of the White Bus line, operating between Montrose and Binghamton, made an extensive trip through parts of Ohio and New York, inspecting various patterns of motor busses, with the intention of securing the best machines obtainable. As a result of this trip they placed an order for a handsome 22-passenger parlor coach, with side-door entrances, which will be used for pleasure parties, and also on the regular runs. A second car is in contemplation.

Fairdale – C. F. Seeley was a caller in Montrose and reported the road between Fairdale and Montrose in bad condition. Many automobiles were stalled in the mud on this stretch, the first of the week. It was reported that on Monday, some forty machines had to be pulled out with horses.

Brooklyn – Harold VanHousen has purchased the barber shop conducted for many years by Joseph Tewksbury, and will take possession Monday next. Mr. Tewksbury feels the need of a change and rest, his health being somewhat impaired by long confinement to business, and will take sufficient time to recuperate before making plans for the future. Mr. VanHousen is well known in Montrose, having worked in Frank Deuel’s shop and is counted a first-class tonsorial artist. ALSO The brick layers resumed work on the new school building on Tuesday.

Susquehanna – The citizens of this place are to have a special election to vote on bonding the borough for an addition to the Laurel street public school. The school is crowded and additional class rooms are needed. Last year it had an enrollment of 385 pupils and this year it is increased to 460. The cost of the improvements is estimated at $112,000.

Dimock/Fairbanks Alaska – Judge Charles E. Bunnell, of Fairbanks, Alaska, still thinks of spring time in old Susquehanna county. A short time ago he wrote his cousin, James Bunnell, of Dimock, to ship him 75 pounds of maple sugar. [Charles Bunnell was born in Auburn Township. His adult life was spent in Alaska and in 1921 he was appointed the first president of the Alaska Agricultural College and School of Mines, which later became the University of Alaska. He served in this capacity for 27 years.] ALSO In Dimock, Joseph Dixon is again preparing to open his barber shop in the Palmer hotel. The shop will be open Wednesday evening after 5 p.m., also Saturday afternoons and evenings.

Mrs. Clarinda Harding died at the home of Mrs. Ida MacNamara, on Saturday. Had she lived until April 25th, she would have passed her 91st birthday. Burial was in the Harding cemetery. ALSO The Wilmarth Brothers listened to a fine radio concert when they heard a chorus from Philadelphia. Among the voices were Miss Salome Booth and sister, Mrs. Julia Hudson, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Booth.

Ararat – Miss Celia Carpenter, who spent the winter in Binghamton, has returned to Ararat to teach the Hobbs school. ALSO John Matta, enroute to Binghamton, drove from Ararat to Forest City in one hour and 10 minutes with a Harley outfit.

Franklin Hill, Franklin & Liberty Twps. – An Easter social will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wood, April 25. The following menu will be served: Potato Salad, Baked Beans, Sandwiches, Deviled Eggs, Pickles, Cake and Coffee. Price 25 cents. Everybody welcome.

South Auburn – Smith Tewksbury, one of the oldest and most highly respected residents in this locality, departed this life on April 11th, after a long illness. Interment was made in South Auburn cemetery. The many who attended, and the beautiful flowers, were evidence of the esteem in which he was held.

Birchardville – Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wake Small, on April 7, 1924, a son.

Kingsley – School will close the 28th of April. There are six graduates.

Lawton – Myron Deuel, an aged [Civil War] pensioner, passed away Saturday at the home of Cyrus Terry, where he spent the winter. [Myron Deuel was a member of Co. C, 52d Pennsylvania Volunteers.

Clifford – The Clifford Giants humbled the Simpson Sluggers to the tune of 10 to 3, on the former’s grounds, Sunday.

Uniondale – Clifford Reynolds has installed a milking machine. It is a time saver, he says, and wonders how he got along without one. He is milking 15 cows and takes the milk to the Woodlawn dairy at Clifford. ALSO Arthur Thomas, of Carbondale, was the guest of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Bronson. He is now a member of the “mason gang” of the Delaware and Hudson Railroad. His brother, Walter Bronson Thomas, recently won honors in the New England amateur wrestling matches and won the Columbia prize for wrestling. He is going to wrestle in New York and will enter the Olympics and if a winner he will be drawn for overseas matches.

Elk Hill – Fred Burns has assumed his duties in the observatory on Elk Hill. He will give due notice in case of forest fires.

News Briefs: The annual Bird and Arbor Day will be observed on April 25. A more general observance of this important day, in our schools, would exert a wonderful influence on the bird and tree life of our state. It is to be hoped that teachers in the county will encourage their pupils to build bird houses and plant trees on the school grounds. A profound lesson can be taught every boy and girl in the love for birds and trees. It would be well worth spending Friday afternoon, April 25, in bringing to the attention of every student in Susquehanna county, the wonders and beauties of our local bird and tree life.

Events in the History of Montrose: 1891 – Lackawanna Railroad Branch Opened; 1892 – Co. G Called to Serve in Homestead Riots; 1893 – City Water Works; 1896 – Electric Light Plant; 1898 - Co. G Off for Spanish War Service; 1903 – Home Coming Tribute to Hon. Galusha A. Grow; 1907 – Library & Historical “Society Building Erected; 1916 – Opening of Scranton to Montrose Trolley Service; 1917 – Present Beach Manufacturing Company Plant Erected; 1917 – First Contingent Susquehanna County World War Soldiers Left for Service in September; 1919 – Home Coming Celebration for World War Soldiers in September; 1922 – Opening of the Lackawanna Trail and Montrose Trail; 1923 – Completion of New Bank Building and Consolidation of the Two Banks; 1924 – Public Avenue Paved with Concrete and Brick; 1924 – March 29 and July 2 to 6th, Centennial Celebration.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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