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April 15 1921/2021

Dimock – The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Greenwood, who severely injured his arm in a power washing machine and has been in the Packer hospital, at Sayre, for some time, is improving so he can use the arm sufficiently to pick up a handkerchief from the floor. It is thought he may be able to return home by next week. ALSO The Harford and Dimock high school teams played basket ball here Friday evening in the Community Building, each tam winning a game. The girls played the first game, resulting in 26-6 score in favor of Dimock. The boys played the next game, Harford being victorious, 39-8.

Montrose – H. M. Cole, Montrose’s veteran automobile owner, one of the very first in this part of the state to own and operate a gasoline car, and first, last and all the time a Ford booster, has made two automobile rips to Scranton recently, and tells us that the dirt road between Montrose and Nicholson is in splendid condition and that the Scranton ride is a pleasant one to make. It will be recalled that this road was again taken over by the State Highway Dept. last year, largely through efforts of the Lackawanna County Automobile Association. These dirt roads have already been worked this spring. Mr. Cole tells us that one may take the Trail at Nicholson to the crossing on Roberts’ Hill, eliminating a long and steep grade on this veritable mountain, although the concrete on this stretch has not been laid. ALSO It is five years, on May 8th, since the first trolley car came to the station near Harrington’s mills. We hope it will not be five more years before the rails are brought to the center of town.

Forest City – Private John Petroski, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Petroski, of Railroad street, is in a base hospital at El Paso, Texas, suffering from wounds received while on duty on the Mexican border, when U. S. immigration officers and soldiers of the border patrol engaged in a long fight on March 17, with Mexican whiskey smugglers at a point on the Rio Grande near El Paso, Texas. Fifty-seven quarts of whiskey, abandoned by the smugglers, were discovered at daybreak. Two soldiers and an inspector were wounded. In a recent letter to his parents he informed them that he was operated on and stands a good chance for recovery. ALSO Stephen Shamro, the mighty south paw of the Independents, has received an offer from the Elmira Arctics, a crack team of the Southern tier of New York, and ordered to report forthwith. His friends claim he has the big league goods and if given a trial will make good. He is by far the best twirler in this section and the fans hope he may land with the major leagues.

Hickory Grove – The station at Hickory Grove, one of the most famous points along the Erie railroad, has been closed in keeping with the retrenchment and economical policy of the company. This station, two miles west of Susquehanna, knew intimately Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon faith when he resided in this vicinity. Hickory Grove section is the visiting place for many Mormons who came here each year to visit the old haunts of the founder of their church. Hereafter, when they come, they will have to pay cash fare to the conductors or buy tickets—at Susquehanna or Great Bend, for no longer is there a station agent at Hickory Grove. The books and accounts of the station have been transferred to Great Bend. It was at Hickory Grove that Joseph Smith had his famous dream of a great city. He located this great city within the range of his vision as he stood at the [site of] Hickory Grove station. Salt Lake City, the home city of the Mormons, is the realization of Joe’s great dream, while Hickory Grove becomes a “flag station.”

Rushville – Residents of the western section of the county are very hopeful that the road between Rushville and Little Meadows, via Middletown, may come in for early attention on the road improvement program of the county. The grade over this route, embracing around 16 miles, is exceptionally good, and could it be put in condition to withstand traffic requirements, should become very popular with autoists, as well as affording immense benefit to tax-payers in this section of the county.

Great Bend – Rev. Father O’Leary, of Great Bend, a chaplain in the American army during the World War, has been presented with a purse of $2000 by the congregation of St. Mary’s Catholic church, Wilkes-Barre. Father O’Leary was a curate at St. Mary’s church before going into the army. He was one of the heroes of the war, and was seriously wounded besides being gassed while attending and rescuing fallen soldiers on the bloody fields of France. He has been under medical and surgical care since leaving the army.

Hallstead - The band pagoda on the riverbank was destroyed by fire last Tuesday afternoon. Sparks from burning rubbish was the cause of the fire. ALSO Joseph DuBois, son of Atty. Addison G. DuBois, has been appointed 2nd lieutenant of Co. E, U.S. Infantry, stationed at Coblenz, Germany. He has also been made clerk for the U. S. counsel and acting counsel for the defense on the company court martial.

New Milford – New employees are being hired daily in the silk mill here. Anyone desiring employment in this new mill should apply to the superintendent, Mr. Clement Pressman.

South Auburn – April 1st, being Miss Mamie McMickens’ 17th birthday, about 25 of her young friends gathered at her home to help celebrate the event. It was managed so cleverly that it was a complete surprise to the young lady. The evening was delightfully spent in games, music, etc., and dainty refreshments were served.

Thompson – The Ararat and Thomson orchestra met Monday evening, at the home of B. F. Barnes.

Uniondale – Samuel Stark, of Church street, has a relic of the days when Pennsylvania was a wilderness. It is a compass and was used by William Penn in surveying Pennsylvania. It is far from resembling the compass of today. The needle turns but two ways. It is in remarkably good condition and has been in the Stark family for several generations. It came into the family from a party in Philadelphia and is accompanied by a verified statement as to the accuracy of its ownership.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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