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April 15 1910/2010

Susquehanna - Monday afternoon Attorney H. A. Denney, Chairman of the Republican Committee, received a telegram from Gov. Stuart announcing the appointment of Hon. C. Fred Wright to the position of State Treasurer. Gov. Stuart has known Mr. Wright personally for a number of years and after the death of Jeremiah A. Stober, who was elected last November, the Governor was advised by the attorney general to appoint a successor.

Oakland - Fred D. Merrihew, aged 21, despondent over a love affair with a young lady of that town, killed himself last Saturday by putting a bullet from a 32-calibre revolver through his heart. He was found lying in the street, on Westfall avenue, and an inquest was held at 4 o'clock the next afternoon. The testimony of witnesses examined indicated that Merrihew had become enamored of an Oakland young woman. His affection, however, was not returned, she preferring another fellow. She was questioned by the district attorney and she testified that on several occasions the young man had accompanied her to church and escorted her home. That she had received a number of letters from him avowing his love, and that he expressed himself as wishing her to refuse the attention of another man. Merrihew's mother, Cora, identified the revolver as one that had been about the house for a number of years. The district attorney said after the hearing that there was absolutely no evidence to show that the young man's death was other than a case of suicide, the cause being temporary mental aberration, caused by disappointment in love.

South Auburn - Our school closed on Friday last. Much credit is due the teacher, Miss Ella Crawford, for her faithful and earnest work among the children.

Springville - Gardening has begun--something rarely done so early in the spring. Several have planted peas, radishes and onions. ALSO J. H. Kelly is putting in a bow window and making other improvements to his hotel.

Little Meadows - Businesses in Little Meadows that were listed in the 2010 Mercantile Appraisement for the County are: A. D. Brown, general merchandise; Thomas Fitzmartin, Cigars; Palmer & Son, Feed; William Purtell, Retail.

Forest City - Cole & Johns have purchased from the Morss (or Morse) Estate, 224 acres of timberland. The tract is situated about two miles northwest of Forest City and is the only full growth timber in this section. They will erect a mill and saw the logs into lumber.

Uniondale - Commencement exercises in the M. E. church were well attended. Recitations, drills, etc., were creditably rendered by the pupils. Rev. Wm. Usher, Presbyterian pastor, gave a brief address urging co-operation between parents and teachers. Rev. H. J. Crane presented the diploma and suitably addressed Miss J. Fay Smith, the one graduate of the year.

Brooklyn - Three large houses are going up and Brooklyn is just now enjoying a boom in the building trade.

New Milford - Mrs. Mary Tierney, a much esteemed lady, died at her home on April 2, at the great age of 100 years. Up to a few years ago when her health began to fail, she was a great worker and supported herself by housecleaning, washing, etc., and her services were in great demand on account of the neatness and thoroughness with which she did her work. Since the death of her husband, which occurred a number of years ago, she had lived alone. She was born in Ireland and with the exception of a niece in New Jersey, had no relatives in this country. The funeral was held from St. Lawrence church, Great Bend and burial was made in the Catholic cemetery in that place.

East Ararat - Rumor has it that Silas Aldrich is about to sell his stage route to James McAlla, of Elkdale.

Laurel Lake - Chalmer Bramfitt has gone to Elmira and taken up the study of telegraphy.

Clifford - We are of the opinion that the proposed route of the Scranton-Binghamton Trolley R.R. would find a much larger supply of milk to go by the way of Greenfield, Clifford, Gibson, &c., than they will by way of Benton, Nicholson, Glenwood or Hopbottom, &c.

Fowler Hill - Frank Hill had his horse fall down Monday on the way to the creamery and upset the wagon, spilled part of his cream and broke some eggs, but did not hurt his son or himself seriously.

Flynn, Middletown Twp. - What is the matter with the bell on the St. John's church when it can't be used? ALSO The new addition to our graded school is to be named Mother of Sorrows.

Montrose - The A. B. Burns' Son drug store has installed some very neat show case soda tables which gives their soda department a very metropolitan appearance. ALSO Dr. C. C. Halsey came to Montrose from Niagara county, N.Y., April 10, 1845, and four days afterward, just 65 years ago today, commenced teaching as principal of the Susquehanna Academy. He taught two years, and has survived most of his pupils. Of those now living are the two Jessup brothers in Syria, Hon. Frederick Mott, living in the west; Mrs. Endora Lathrop, Mrs. Ann Maria Cox and Miss Hetty Biddle, living in Montrose.

Dimock - Mr. Longwell has accepted a position in the milk station here. He has moved into L. J. Coleman's tenant house near the camp ground. Thomas Dolan also started work at the milk station.

Thompson - G. F. Spencer has raised the walk in front of his residence and filled in the lawn and reseeded. Several along Jackson street have re-laid their walks and the street commissioner is putting our streets in good shape, all of which adds to our good looks.

Herrick Center - Saturday the section men on the O. & W. struck for $1.50 per day. This morning most of them have gone back to work for $1.40.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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