Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 14 1905/2005
Uniondale - Our borough council has voted to put up some new street lamps, which will be very much appreciated. New walks next! AND Last Friday afternoon there were public exercises at the High School, which were attended by a large number of patrons. The exercises by the pupils were pleasing. The geographical collection recently received from the Philadelphia Commercial Museum was on exhibition and greatly admired by all.
Rhiney Creek, Liberty Twp.- Quite a little excitement was created here one day last week, when Warren Fish's team, which he had left standing near his well, went racing up the road. They ran in at the open door of A.A. Fish's horse barn, where their owner caught them. No damage was done.
Montrose - Thomas L. Dolan and family have removed from Noxen to Montrose, Mr. Dolan having purchased the exchange Hotel from his brother, James, and assumed the proprietorship. He has been in the hotel business in that place for a number of years and is as near a model landlord as they make, having an excellent reputation as manager of a public house wherever known. Consideration, $8,500. AND The ladies of St. Mary's Catholic church took a very unique way of raising money to buy a carpet for their church by sending out a little poem, asking the recipient to give them in pennies just thrice the size of the shoe he wears. Accompanying the poem were little silken socks cut and made by the committee (Mrs. Ryan, Mrs. Becker, Mrs. Kelly and Miss Katheryn O'Neill) of different colors and sent out to all friends of the church. The returns are reported as good.
Harford - Our supervisors are getting ready to start the road machines or mud mixers, as they should be called. Our roads are getting worse and worse. What we need is more stones and less mud. AND Besides additional facilities for obtaining something to eat, we are to have a store at which our lady friends can be provided with articles to wear--that is to say, Miss Lou Rogers, as already intimated, will next week open a millinery establishment at her home and we wish her every success.
Springville - Prof. T.C. Hinckley started out last Saturday for a drive. The horse took a notion to "do" things, and as a result the carriage was much broken and minus a top when quiet was restored.
Auburn Center - Dougherty & Kellogg, who are operating the famous Burke quarry near here, have placed an order for a 25-horse power traction engine. It is guaranteed to draw 20 tons over the road from Auburn to Meshoppen. In hauling heavy loads of stone, flag, etc., they propose to use heavy wagons in trains of two or more. AND At Auburn Four Corners, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grow left the house one day to do the milking, leaving a small child asleep in one of the rooms. A neighbor happened to drop in and found the kitchen on fire. Prompt measures saved the house from burning. Some furniture was destroyed. But for the timely call of the neighbor the fire would doubtless have gained such headway before being discovered as to have been beyond control and the child might have perished.
Rush - The friends of Rev. O.E. Bishop are cordially invited to meet at the parsonage on Tuesday evening, April 18th, at which time they will have an opportunity of showing their appreciation of his decision to remain with us another year by assisting him with their mite toward the purchase of a horse.
Little Meadows - Nicholas Murphy is confined to his home suffering from a fracture of the jaw bone and other injuries caused from being thrown from his wagon against a barbed wire fence, where he was entangled when found, and but for the timely assistance of George Regan, would have been seriously, if not fatally, injured. He was conveyed to his home by M. Hate, where medical aid was summoned. Mr. Murphy has no recollection of how the accident occurred.
West Lenox - Mrs. Nelvin Empet is our new postmistress.
Thompson - The Bordon Bros., with their attorney, A.B. Smith, of Montrose, are here today and have bought of C.M. Lewis, a plot of land on which they will erect a condensary, and our business men are putting on a bold front. AND Rev. and Mrs. P.R. Tower spent the Sabbath with relatives in Afton and attended the 40th Anniversary of Lee's surrender to Grant at Appomattox, Va. Mr. Tower was at the surrender and he enjoyed the masterly address of Lu B. Cake, Esq., on this occasion immensely.
Forest City - E. Deming, who has been Forest City's collector for the past two years, has announced his intention to resign this coming year from the office and will not qualify for this coming year.. Mr. Deming says that he has had two years of very arduous work with inadequate remuneration and he intends to give some other citizen the opportunity to enjoy the "sinecure." Since the company refused to collect the taxes from its employees, the work of the collector in Forest City has been anything but a soft snap.
Susquehanna - M. J. Lannon has opened, in Hogan Block, one of the finest restaurants in this section of the country. The walls are covered with handsome and expensive paper, a new oaken floor has been laid and is covered with fine linoleum. The kitchen is a model in every respect and the furniture throughout is without cause for criticism. The culinary department is under the charge of experienced caterers and anyone who is in need of meals or lunch will be more than pleased with the service. The new restaurant is already patronized by the best of people and it is a rousing success. AND The death of Sister Mary Felicitas occurred at Mount Saint Mary's Seminary, Scranton. Deceased was Miss Lizzie Baxter, formerly a resident of this place. She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. John Lannon, of this place, and Mrs. W. Moffatt, of Wilkesbarre; two brothers, Peter and George Baxter, of Sayre.
News Briefs: It was an honest doctor who defined appendicitis as a modern pain costing one hundred dollars more than an ordinary stomach-ache. AND In many states the idea of giving names to the farm homes is growing. A name for a farm tends to fix the identity of the place, just as it does in the case of an individual. There are pretty or characteristic names of farm homes in many locations. Name your farm.
Compiled By: Betty Smith