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April 11 1924/2024

Susquehanna – Archie Walker, Kenneth Moore and Seymour Persons, of this place, and Floyd Munson, of Hallstead, are preparing to embark upon a canoeing trip from Susquehanna to the Chesapeake Bay. They are now getting ready for the pilgrimage. They will use two large canoes and will camp along the way. ALSO St. John’s Cadets defeated the Laurel Hill quintette, in one of the best basket ball games played in some time, the score being 20-22. ALSO A road is now planned to connect Susquehanna borough with the borough of Lanesboro.

Thompson – A distressing drowning accident occurred Sunday afternoon when Fred Smith, nine year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, fell into the Starrucca creek at a point a mile and a half from Thompson, in the direction of Starrucca, while crossing a small foot bridge. Fred and a younger brother had started for the barn, which is on the opposite side of the creek from the house. The creek, greatly swollen by heavy rains, was a raging torrent. Fred started across the bridge and fell in. His younger brother, who saw him fall into the water, called for help. The parents and neighbors hurried to the creek, but Fred had disappeared. It was not until Monday that the body was recovered. The family is prostrated with grief.

Dundaff – George Graham, aged 91, one of the early settlers of this place and well-known in the eastern part of the county, died April 2, 1924, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jean C. Slocum, Glen Ridge, NJ. Interment was made in the family plot in Dundaff cemetery.

Montrose – The matter of having several hundred of Miss Blackman’s histories bound was brought up at the meeting of the general committee for the 100th celebration of Montrose Boro. There has been calls for this book by many people, and in Miss Blackman’s will she specified that when these histories were bound that each school in the county receive a copy for the cost of postage. This will be taken up with the commissioners. [Reprints of Miss Blackman’s history are available at the Susquehanna County Historical Society.] ALSO Prof. J. Wesley Gavitt recently purchased a fine gold tipped Hill bow. This bow was made by Hill, the renowned bow maker of London, for Eddy Brown, the latter making his debut in America with this bow. It is one of Hill’s best creations, and one of the best bows in use today.

Forest City – Frank B. Gelder returned to Brown University, Providence, RI, after a week’s visit with his parents. Michael O’Brien and Alice Muchitz, students at the West Chester Normal school are home for a short vacation.

Dimock – Wm. Barnes is driving the kid wagon for George Hamlin for the remainder of the year, as Mr. Hamlin has engaged to work in the Newark Milk & Cream Co., at South Montrose.

Harford Vocational – Thursday evening, April 24th, the seniors will present a play entitled, “The Little Clod-hopper.” Everyone cordially invited to attend.

Uniondale – Edwin Corey, age 80, died at the home of his son, Newton Corey, in Johnson City. Deceased was a native of Gibson township. About 50 years ago he removed to Uniondale and purchased the gristmill, which he conducted for many years. In connection with the Uniondale plant he carried on an extensive milling business at Forest City for several years. Interment was made in the Uniondale cemetery, and Masonic lodge had charge.

Fowler Hill, Auburn Twp. – The mail man could not make is trip Tuesday on account of snow and drifts.

Williams Pond, Bridgewater Twp. – Arthur Bullard has gone to Detroit to work in Ford’s factory.

Fair Hill, Forest Lake Twp. – As Richard Seiber was moving a load of household goods from Montrose to Forest Lake, last Friday, the horses ran away, coming down the hill from Flummerfelt’s, throwing off some of the goods and injuring some of the folks.

Clifford Twp. – Next Monday, Richard R. Davis will celebrate the 85th anniversary of his birth. He was born in Wales and came to this country when a small child. After a short residence in New York state the family removed to Clifford township. At the breaking out of the war Mr. Davis and brother, Morris, entered the Union service and saw active service in the Army of the Potomac and participated in the battle of Gettysburg and other famous engagements. He is still active and as young as many in their sixties. [Pvt. Morris Davis and Corp. Richard Davis were members of Co. G., 151st Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers.]

West Brooklyn – Wm. Bell, one of the leading maple syrup makers of the county, has already made and marketed more than 150 gallons of syrup, and his camp is still in operation. Mr. Bell takes great pains with all the steps, from the fresh sap to the canning of the syrup, and naturally, finds a ready sale for his product. Mr. Bell received an order for twelve gallons to be shipped to Los Angeles. The check for the syrup was $24; the express bill was $17.50.

News Briefs: Street cars are again running in Scranton after a strike of short duration. The barber’s strike is also at an end, and henceforth Scrantonians will pay 65 cents for a hair cut. As the elevator boy says, -- “Goin’ up.” ALSO Almost everyone has heard of the Woolworth building in New York City, and many, while visiting in the metropolis, have stood in awe before its 60 towering stories. It was recently sold for eleven millions of dollars. When you sell a sky-scraper this little deal will assist you in setting a price.

More on the events (time line) in the History of Montrose: 1840 – Eleven Negroes Came to Montrose [“five males, four females and two young children” – I. Post diary]; 1846 – Eagle Foundry Started by the Sayre Family on Foundry Street; 1854 – Destructive Fire; 1855 – Present Court House Built; 1856 – Sayre Agricultural Works Moved to Present Location, opposite D.L.&W. Station; 1861 – Departure of First Company of [Civil War] Volunteers; 1867 - Crandall’s Toy Factory; 1867 – H.L Beach Started Scroll Saw Works; 1870 – Population, 1463; 1874 – Trains Running to Tunkhannock on Narrow Gauge Road; 1884 – General Borough Charter; 1887 – Susquehanna County Centennial at Hallstead. [Continued next week.]

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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