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April 08 1904/2004

Birchardville - On the evening of March 24, at the Birchard homestead, occurred the very pleasant wedding of Fred W. Dayton and May T. Birchard, performed by Rev. James S. Wilkes of Stevensville. During the day, loving friends decked the old parlor with laurel and vines and, as the appointed hour drew near, about 50 guests had gathered there, who later sat down to a delicious wedding supper.

Springville - A Springville correspondent says: When the Civil War was on four brothers by the name of Lyons enlisted and all gave their lives to the cause. Four Brothers Post was named for them and each year at Montrose, where they are buried, the G. A. R. holds its services at their graves. Dame fortune did not deal so harshly by five brothers who enlisted from Springville. All soldiers good and true who stood to the end of the war and are all living at this time. We refer to the Hungerford brothers--John K. and Hon. Charles, of Tunkhannock, Ira and Clark, of Wilkes-Barre, and George, of Nicholson. We doubt if another family can be found who were so fortunate.

Forest City - During the pure food crusade the latter part of last summer, Julius Freedman, of Forest City and Clark Bros, of Carbondale, were respectively charged with selling adulterated molasses and vanilla. Recent tests by the state dairy and food commissioners has developed the fact that neither of the articles mentioned were adulterated, although the vanilla was a low-grade extract. AND John, the five-year-old son of Michael Smith, living near Forest City, was drowned while playing around a well near his home.

Hallstead - Frank McCroy, of Buffalo, formerly of Hallstead, claims to have found the long lost art of tempering copper and has demonstrated it so thoroughly to Buffalo parties that a capitalist of that city has offered him $75,000 for the secret, but he will not sell at that price. Young McCroy is but 21 years old, but ever since a mere lad has been experimenting with this end in view, having read of the process of tempering copper being lost and hearing a fortune was waiting for the one who again found it, during a conversation in the round house at Hallstead, he commenced experimenting. Hon. James T. DuBois took an interest in his work and helped him materially, sending him to Washington where he gave a number of successful experiments at the Naval department. The young man is also well known in Montrose, having been employed a few summers ago by George B. Felker [Bottling Works]. Even then he was persistently at work during spare time trying to solve the problem, and his room in Mr. Felker's residence always bore the appearance of a laboratory. A large portion of his earnings would be expended for alcohol lamps, acids, chemicals and other things needed.

Susquehanna - The board of trustees of the Susquehanna City Hospital was organized at a meeting held recently. The following officers were elected: President, George W. Conklin; vice-president, Rev. A. D. Decker; secretary, C. F. Curtis; treasurer, L. G. Benson; executive committee, M. J. Ryan, Rev. Wilbur Stowe, Rev. Edward Berger, H. R. Benson, Dr. John D. Kelly, H. C. Miller. Active work will be done by the committee and the people who are interested in the cause are urged to give the matter their earnest support. AND William Atkinson has been offered the position of United States Consul at Bangkok, Siam, the land of the white elephants.

Rush - The Ladies' Aid Society of the Baptist church will meet for dinner at the church on Thursday, April 14; the gentlemen are all invited to come at the same time and place and bring their teams, axes and saws and get up some wood for the church.

New Milford - Dr. C. A. Hull has opened an office in Mrs. Edwin Adams' residence; Dr. Hull is a native born New Milford boy and resided here all his life until he began the study of medicine nearly 20 years ago; he has practiced medicine for the past 15 years; we expect that the friends of Homeopathy will rally liberally to his support. AND Stone quarry people hereabouts are slow in resuming operations this spring, owing to the condition in which the severe winter weather left the quarries and the continued cold weather.

Fairdale - On Wednesday morning, March 23d, Ruth Bolles counted in one tree in front of her home 18 robins; and soon after in the same tree, 17 bluebirds.

Choconut - One of the infant twins of Cyrenus Donnelly died recently of scarlet fever.

Great Bend - The contract for repairing the bridge between here and Hallstead has been let to the Canton, Ohio Bridge Co. It is to be completed on or before the 14th under a forfeit.

North Branch, Middletown Twp. - Burton and Warren Coleman had the pleasure of entertaining the mumps, recently.

Alford - J. M. Decker took up his new duties as postmaster, April 1st, in place of J. S. Marean, [who] resigned.

Montrose - The grand jury recently in session took action on a petition signed by a large number of influential citizens in regard to the incomplete condition of the soldiers' monument and recommended that the county commissioners reconstruct the parapet around the monument, and secure complete lists of deceased soldiers to be inscribed on tablets like those now in place and do whatever should be done to carry out the original design of the monument. The monument was erected by private donations, and the grand jury has recommended that the expense of putting the environments of it in creditable shape shall be borne by the county. This long delayed important matter, we trust, will soon receive merited attention. AND O. A. Basset, formerly of Montrose and for many years connected with the agricultural works in this place, conducted by Sayre Bros., died suddenly at his home in Norwich. Mr. Bassett was a practical millwright and experienced workman, and of the 25 men employed at that time was one of the four still surviving, L. B. Pickett, Shadrach Horton and Guy Wells, being the only ones known to be now living.

Glenwood - One of our near neighbors, who was lately deprived of a home by fire, is responsible for the following: He built a small house to protect himself and family from the freezing cold of winter. One evening, being somewhat colder than usual, he built a fire in three stoves and went to bed; being a man of clear conscience he soon dropped off to sleep. On awaking, long toward morning, he found his mustache was feeling very heavy and soon after water began to drop down on him. On examination he found two good-sized icicles hanging to his mustache. He was telling this to a neighbor who made the remark that this is an ad for the Democrat. But please, gentlemen, no names, nevertheless it's a fact.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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