Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
April 04 1902/2002
Susquehanna - In St. Rose's Convent in Carbondale, on Tuesday, the following from Susquehanna professed-Bessie Condon, Sister Roberta; Anna Griffin, Sr. Generosa; the following took the white veil-Della Hurley, Sr. Josepha; Jennie Moran, Sr. Anysia; Lizzie Maloney, Sr. Dolorita. Rev. Father Brodrick and a delegation of relatives were present.
Rush - Easter services were held at the Baptist church on Sunday morning. The church was very prettily decorated with house plants and laurel; a beautiful Easter lily was much admired. Mr. Hughes preached a strong sermon.
Franklin Forks - Joah Frudd, an aged resident, died Friday, March 21. About a week before, he got a sliver in his little finger and in a day or two blood poison set in from which he died. The funeral was held on March 23 from the Methodist church. He had lived in this place a good many years and he leaves a son and three daughters.
Gibson - A meeting of the stockholders of the Gibson Telephone Co. will be held Tuesday evening at 7:30 P.M. All stockholders are required to be present.
Montrose -The following description of our village was found among the papers of the late Lorenzo Lyons, and is dated March 2nd 1838. "Montrose has a Court House and jail; two school houses, one of which is called the academy; a fire-proof, an engine house, three churches, four taverns, three printing offices, one book store, one drug store, ten other stores, a postoffice, a book bindery, a watch maker's, a hatter's shop, two tin shops, three cabinet makers, three shoemakers, four blacksmiths, two wagon shops, one furnace, two harness and trunk shops, two cooper shops, three tailors, three milliners, four doctors, six lawyers, two Justices of the Peace. It has a total of 210 buildings, 82 of which are dwelling houses, and 90 barns. The population is nearly 1000." The above is certainly interesting and worthy of close attention. We note some industries then existing of which we cannot now boast. Somewhat chagrined to note just as many printing offices then as now. And behold, there were four hotels. Lawyers made a fair showing even in those days. We rejoice over one highly encouraging symptom-the dwelling houses now far outnumber the barns.
Crystal Lake - The old cars, which were used on the Gravity [Rail] Road, near Honesdale, are being bought up by different parties who will fix them up as summer cottages, to be placed on the shores of Wayne county's numerous lakes. The cars sell for $10 and up. Crystal Lake will have several for those wishing comfortable quarters at moderate rates.
Brooklyn - Miss Jennie Weston died March 29, 1902, in the Methodist Episcopal Hospital of Brooklyn, NY, where she graduated as a nurse in March 1898. Everything that skill and loving care could do to prolong her life was done, but the heart condition was too serious and of too long standing to yield more than temporarily to any treatment. She died as she had lived, bright, cheerful and thoughtful to the last of others, rather than self.
Bridgewater Twp. -While coming from Susquehanna yesterday, Herbert Buckley, Joseph Kendrick and Mr. Dondon met with an accident near the residence of Al. Sturdevant. Coming down the hill, the king-bolt of their carriage broke, throwing the occupants from the wagon and the team ran away. Mr. Buckley, driving, endeavored to hold the team and was dragged some distance. The team passed through Montrose at a fierce rate, running toward Fairdale and were caught near Ackley Tyler's place. Mr. Kendrick followed the team on foot as far as Montrose and Fred Ingraham took a rig and went after the team. Mr. Buckley was badly cut about the face. The wagon was badly shattered. The horses escaped with a few marks.
Uniondale - Plans are on foot among some of our leading citizens to establish a free library in our town. Let the good work go on.
Lanesboro - We are informed that Mr. and Mrs. Comfort, Charles E. McCoy, Esq., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tarbox and others, will on Thursday next, leave for Central City, Colorado, where they will in the future reside.
Franklin Forks - A letter received last night from Mr. Cleveland, who is coming from western Pennsylvania to put down an oil well here, states that he had one car of machinery loaded, and was loading another, and would be here in a few days. Col. Courtright looks for him any day now.
Hallstead - The place formerly owned by W. D. Lusk, known as the Lamb drug store, has been bought by W. J. McLeod and is now being overhauled and will be used as a shirt factory and laundry combined. AND Dan McGuire was injured at Conklin in trying to jump from one moving train to another. He was taken to Binghamton and had an arm, which was badly mangled, amputated.
Shannon Hill, Auburn Twp. - The Shannon Hill M.E. church will be dedicated April 8. Morning session will commence at 10:30. Dinner will be served free to all by the ladies in the basement of the church. Afternoon service will commence at 2:30. Two very fine bed quilts will be sold to the highest bidder, one containing the names of 400 persons who have contributed to the fund.
Harford - Telephone meeting Monday evening at G. L. Payne's store.
Lake View - At about one o'clock A.M., March 26, fire was discovered in the saw mill of Chas. Boyden, located near Lake View, and in spite of all efforts the entire mill was consumed. There was but slight damage to machinery and the estimated loss will not exceed $200. There was no insurance.
News Brief - Don't leave your lighted lamp half turned down in the house at night. The New York board of health has just declared that it is the greatest known breeder of diphtheria. Nothing so poisons the air of a room as the fumes from a smoking lamp.
Compiled By: Betty Smith