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April 03 1914/2014

Forest City – On Account of high water there was no work the fore part of the week in the Clifford and Dunmore veins of our mines.  The pumps were put to work at full capacity day and night to rid the mines of the water and every effort was put forth by the company to insure the safety of the workers for which they are commended. ALSO  Two children of Joseph Stifinia arrived from Italy last week.  They were unaccompanied and seemed to have enjoyed the voyage across the deep.

Montrose – Roger S. Searle, son of the late Daniel and Johanna Stark Searle, was born in 1825 and died the 26th of March, 1914. Born in Pittston, Luzerne county, he came to Montrose with his parents where he received a liberal education, attending the Moravian school in Nazareth, John Mann’s Academy at St. Joseph and the Montrose Academy. His father manufactured and shipped large quantities of lumber and Roger succeeded him in the business, which he continued until his enlistment during the Civil War. He furnished lumber for the Smithsonian Institute, supplied the D.L.&W. with wood for fuel and shipped lumber largely to Baltimore and Richmond. In 1861 he entered the army as a sergeant major and recruited a company for the 12th Pennsylvania Reserves. His health being impaired, he was assigned to hospital duty and in 1862 served as drill master at Camp Curtin. He was offered a commission as major but declined owing to continued ill health. Mr. Searle was a president of the Susquehanna County Agricultural Society, a member of the Horticultural Assoc., a prime mover in organizing the Susquehanna Grange, of which he was the first master, and was a member of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church.

Harford – Lynn Forsythe is home, suffering from an attack of acute indigestion. His brother, Halley, has gone to Scranton to work in his place in the Grand Union tea store. ALSO Our genial and enterprising dealer, Robert Manson, operates two meat wagons which are very popular with a large number of customers.

Elk Lake – George Ridley and family have moved into their new house near the cranberry marsh.  G. Ray Bishop is the tenant on the farm.

Hopbottom/Foster – Martin Deuel of Binghamton, formerly of Rush, has purchased the Valley View House at Foster, which Fred Toepfer has conducted the past year.

Hallstead/Great Bend – The first of the week the high water along the Susquehanna covered the flats between Hallstead and Great Bend, the only means of communication between the two towns being by boat. Passengers on the trains coming from Susquehanna were obliged to go to Binghamton on Monday in order to reach Montrose.

Clifford – Oney T. Rounds, superintendent of state highways in Susquehanna and Wayne counties, has been having his troubles in keeping the roads on his route—which covers a distance of 200 miles—open this winter. He is one of the kinds of superintendents who believe in setting the pace, and when it comes to shoveling snow he can move as much with the shovel in a day as the best of them.  He has also been giving some good instruction in “plowing” it out.

Bridgewater Twp. - Joseph West and W. A. Lathrop have purchased a tract of land from Chas. Post, just below the L.V. R.R. on Bank Street, and plan to develop same along several lines. A chicken farm will be the specialty. Fruit orchards will be planted and the raising of green vegetables [will be] engaged in on a large scale as soon as the farm can be gotten in shape. The operation is to be an extensive one.

Susquehanna – The bridge near the electric light plant was washed out by the high water. ALSO U. W. Wescott, of Oakland, has accepted a position in the New High School building in Binghamton and started with his team for that place Monday morning.

Springville – The bank here seems assured, the following being the officers elected: President, R. L. Avery; 1st Vice President, Herbert Fish; 2nd Vice President, Dr. H. B. Lathrop; Secretary, E. A. Lemon; Directors – Henry Tague, Stephen Loomis, Charles Conrad, Mrs. Albert Lyman, Emory Taylor. ALSO Wilmot Fish, the new proprietor of the Springville Hotel, received his license Tuesday and took possession. Mr. Fish was born and lived here until fourteen years of age, but for the past 50 years has resided in Illinois. He is a most agreeable gentleman to meet and says it is his intention to make the Springville Hotel an up-to-date hostelry.

Uniondale – It is rumored that the railroad company will install signal bells at two crossings here. As the railroad company has taken into consideration our safety in crossing tracks, think we should do something to beautify our town. What about an improvement association. A nice little park, with flowers and band stand, and make our town more attractive. Someone pick the cover off and let the sunshine in.

Thompson – School reopened this morning, after being closed four weeks, on account of the measles epidemic. ALSO The following Mansfield students from Thompson and vicinity are spending the Easter vacation at their homes: Ethel Bryant, Ruth Stone, Anna Harper, Jessie Wilmarth, Helen Weir and Floyd Stearns.

Jackson – The following pupils were present every day during the month at the Maple Ridge school: Raymond Wilcox, Loyd Blaisdell, Jay Decker, Esther Quick, Loyd Hall and Robert Washburn. Earl, Ruth, Nellie and Harlie Hall were absent part of the month owing to measles existing in the home. We are sorry that it was necessary for them to be absent as this is the third year in succession that Ruth had been present every day and the second that Nellie had.

East Kingsley - Our mail carrier, Bert Sterling, is filling the bill in delivering the mail these days, but has the pleasure of traveling through the lots, over stone walls, across plowed fields, back yards and lots, opening gates and letting down bars at his leisure [because of snowed in roads].

News Briefs: The Pennsylvania Railroad last year paid out $5143.40 on account of accidents to passengers who tripped over other passengers’ grips placed in the aisles on trains. That is one of the reasons why the company instructs its trainmen not to permit luggage to remain in the aisles of passenger coaches. ALSO  Go back to the 100 Years column of March 20 and you will find, in the Montrose news, the article about a bank note of the Susquehanna County Bank, at Montrose, dated Jan. 1st, 1849. That same bank note was brought to our Society this week by Tom Calcaine, who purchased it in California. The note left Montrose during the Civil War, went to Washington, D.C., then to Kansas City, then to California and back to Montrose.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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